Grilled Asparagus in a Creamy Balsamic Mushroom Sauce

Grilled Asparagus in a Creamy Balsamic Mushroom Sauce
Asparagus and mushrooms are two of my favourite foods and I always enjoy combining the them! This grilled asparagus in a creamy balsamic mushroom sauce is my what I am currently obsessed with and it's a great example of how well the two work together! The recipe is pretty easy with you simply needing to cook the asparagus and make the mushroom sauce to serve on top of it. I like to grill the asparagus during the spring and summer because it's always nice to fire up the grill for some out door cooking and grilling it also adds a nice hint of smokiness to the asparagus that is simply divine! The mushroom sauce is really easy with onions, garlic and thyme in addition to the mushrooms and the sauce is made with a base of broth, a touch of cream and cheese and of course the balsamic vinegar. The cream and cheese make the sauce nice and creamy and a little sweet and the tangy balsamic vinegar is the perfect balance to it! If I am grilling the asparagus out doors it's easy to make the mushroom sauce on the stove the day before so that it just needs to be reheated for the grilled asparagus! I like to serve this grilled asparagus in a creamy balsamic mushroom sauce as a side but you could also call it a salad and its a great addition to any summer meal!

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